#macrotweet: El valor de la tecnología
Technology is meaningless until you understand how humans use it and benefit from it. Nancy Duarte ‘Resonate’
Technology is meaningless until you understand how humans use it and benefit from it. Nancy Duarte ‘Resonate’
Technology has given us many ways to communicate, but only one is truly human: in-person presentations. Nancy Duarte ‘Resonate’
Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. George Bernard Shaw Citado por Nancy Duarte en ‘Resonate’
Marketing’s purpose, therefore, is to develop and shape something that is real, and not, as people sometimes want to believe, to create illusions. Geoffrey Moore ‘Crossing the chasm’
Great communication -no matter the topic- always connects with people’s feelings and with what they find meaningful. John P. Kotter ‘Accelerate (XLR8)’
Leadership is about setting a direction. It’s about creating a vision, empowering and inspiring people to want to achieve the vision, and enabling them to do so with energy and speed through an effective strategy. In it’s most basic sense, leadership is about mobilizing a group of people to jump into a better future. John…
our decisions and actions always increase the probability of what we call «luck», good or bad. John P. Kotter ‘Accelerate (XLR8)’
In a world where consumers had limited choice, you needed to compete for locations. But in a world where consumers have unlimited choice, you need to compete for attention. Michael Ross Citado en ‘The everything store’ de Brad Stone
Most of the time, what your product should do is some reasonable extrapolation of what it has done in the past. ‘Innovation games’ Luke Hohmann
By some estimates, unstructured data is growing ten to fifty times faster than its structured counterpart. Phil Simon ‘Too big to ignore’